Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oprah's Pick ... Cormac McCARTHY's The Road (2006)

“Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one than what had gone before. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world.” The Road (2006)

GORGEOUS talk-show maven Oprah Winfrey has selected Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (2006) as her book-club pick. The Road is a bleak, post-apocalyptic study of a dystopian America driven by the affinity between a father and son as they try to survive in an austere, empty world. McCarthy, who is known for his economical prose and rural landscapes, is the legendarily reclusive author of such novels as All the Pretty Horses (1992), Blood Meridian (1985) and Suttree (1979). What can I say: it’s a brilliant choice!

McCARTHY Cormac [1933-] Novelist. Born Charles McCarthy in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S. Novels The Road (2006); No Country for Old Men (2005); The Border Trilogy [comprising Cities of the Plains (1998); The Crossing (1994); All the Pretty Horses (1992: winner of the 1992 National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction and the 1992 National Book Award for Fiction)]; Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West (1985); Suttree (1979); Child of God (1974); Outer Dark (1968); The Orchard Keeper (1965: winner of the Faulkner Award for a First Novel)

Novels The Road (2006); All the Pretty Horses (1992)]; Blood Meridian or, The Evening Redness in the West (1985); Suttree (1979)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eric - it's ironic that suttree was not among the mccarthy novels that you suggest be read. in the u.s. many considered it his best work and virtually all consider it no worse than 2nd best behind blood meridian.

Thursday, April 05, 2007 1:37:00 PM  

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